Level Up
ASD-200-CMP Post-Workshop Survey
Choose the one that best represents your current primary role, even if it doesn't exactly match.
0 means not at all likely. 10 means extremely likely. Keep in mind all roles are welcome to Level Up, but the target audience is software engineers.
Estimate to your best knowledge, based on who you see in the room. You can look at the names at the sign-in station as well, if you'd like.
Choose the answer the best fits your now that the workshop is complete
Choose the answer the best fits your current experience
Choose the answer the best fits your current experience
Choose the answer the best fits your current experience
Choose the answer the best fits your current experience
Choose the answer the best fits your current experience
Choose the answer the best fits your current experience
Choose the answer the best fits your current experience
Choose the answer the best fits your current experience
Choose the answer the best fits your current experience
Choose the answer the best fits your current experience
Choose the answer the best fits your current experience
Choose the answer the best fits your current experience
Choose the answer the best fits your current experience
Move the slider all the way to the left if you think the developer experience is miserable. Move the slider all the way to the right if you think the developer experience is world-class.
Have you received the education and experience to build great, valuable technical solutions that are easy to change?
Have you been provided with adequate support at work to build great technique solutions that are easy to change?
Please choose a response
Please choose a response
Briefly list potential barriers. ie: Management, time, remembering what I learned, policy
(This is a mandatory question, so you have to at least say "N/A").